Jordan Ledford

Front End Developer

i like music and coding

i also blog here


a timeline and portfolio

Who's Playin

November - December '16

Who's Playin is by far the largest collaborative project I have worked on to date.
We created a webapp to dynamically find upcoming local artists based on a user's geolocation.
It utilizes Spring MVC to it's fullest extent, a lot of lines of React, required complex AJAX promises from 4 APIs, and we wanted it to be pretty.
Created in 2 weeks.

WTF is my Fallout Character

September '16

This was my first webapp with backend collaboration.
We asked the question, "What do I do when I want to play Fallout, but don't know what type of character I want to be?"
This webapp was the answer.

Talk to the Void

December '16

Using websockets and node.js, I created an experimental chat app where messages are sent to all users and then quickly disappear.

Is Half Life 3 Out Yet?

September '16

A reference to a long running joke in the videogame industry,
I decided to create a webapp to respond with a list of negative responses to the question "Is Half Life 3 out yet?"

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